Monday, June 16, 2008

When Pigs Fly!

When was the last time you imagined doing something crazy and actually believed that you can do it? Or when was the last time you dreamed to be a person far better than you are now and really believed you can be that person? Some of you might answer, “It will be the day that pigs fly.”

One sad phenomenon when people get older is that they slowly loose their imagination. When I say to a little child that pigs fly, he would have replied, “how high?” or “what does his wings looks like?” To a child anything is possible.

We matured people like to put limits on our imaginations. If we are inspired by a crazy or grand idea, we say to ourselves that it is not practical and not realistic. Even before the inspiration starts to take shape and form we crush it to the ground. We like to put limits on ourselves even before we actually hit that limit. We put imaginary walls and boxed ourselves in by their own doing.

Sometimes when we limit our imaginations, we limit ourselves, and thus limiting God’s power to work in our lives. There is nothing impossible for God, but he needs our imagination to be big enough so he can work his wonders in our life. Remember when Yahweh promised Abraham a child when he and his wife were really, and I mean really old? Abraham had that big enough and crazy enough imagination to believe that Yahweh will keep his promise and give him a son. Isaac was a product of an old man’s magnanimous and crazy imagination.

What is impossible for man is possible for God.

So let your imagination free!

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