Saturday, June 21, 2008

I Am the Center of the Universe…

Around me revolves the planets…

There is a new phenomenon going on. The universe seems to stop revolving anymore around the sun! The universe is revolving around ME!

Many people these days think that they are the center of the universe and the world is revolving around them. As if the universe is obligated to please that them. “Its all about ME” is their battle cry!

Their god is the unholy trinity, Me, Myself and I.

These self-centered people live life as if they are the only important person in the galaxy. Their needs and wants come first! They encapsulated the world inside their tiny head and ego. In effect they live shallow, limited and in the end meaningless lives. It is like a person who lived his life looking at the monitor of his cell phone. He failed to see the BIG picture!

When we make ourselves the center of the universe and not God, we have just shrunk the universe. We live inside or heads and miss out the vast beauty of life and of creation. We loose the awe of how big God is and the universe, and how small we are. We fail to see how big life is. We loose the excitement of searching to experience things that are bigger and beyond us.

But most of all, if YOU are the center of the universe, that is a sad and boring universe indeed.

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