Thursday, June 19, 2008

“Are You Pointing Your Finger at Me?”

t is all your fault! If it was not for you, I could have been living a better life!

Sounds familiar?

A Chinese proverb says, “He who blames others has a long way to go on his journey. He who blames himself is half way there. He who blames no one has arrived.” Sounds interesting right?

Why do people, who like blaming others for everything that goes wrong, has a long way to go? Well, this people have no sense of reality. Why? Because they think they are perfect! Most of them are arrogant people who always believe they are always right and everybody is wrong. They are a long way on their journey because they are not moving or going anywhere. In their disillusioned mind, they have arrived!

People who blame themselves are half way there because they are aware of their own weakness. Everybody makes mistakes. They take responsibility for their action and its consequence. They already have some self-knowledge. Yet, these people have still a tendency to pride by expecting too much of themselves. Their blame comes from unrealistic self expectation.

Those who have arrived are those who do not blame anyone. They realize that people are imperfect and make mistakes. They too are imperfect and make mistakes. They have a deep sense of self-knowledge. Most of them are humble people. They know that except for the grace of God, they could have done worst.

These people also have arrived because their minds are more like God. Bo Sanchez said in one of his book, “God is not in the business of blaming!” God is more concern that we move forward, to live life to the full. So these people after making a mistake, stands up from their fall, ask God for forgiveness, forgive themselves and move forward. These people have inner peace and joy! Thus they have arrived.

I would like to end with a person who himself “has arrived”, St. Paul.

Forgetting what lies behind, I strain forward to what lies ahead.” - Philippians 3:14

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