Sunday, November 16, 2008

Q. There's a guy that I really like, but I'm not sure if he's interested in me. I want to find out if he is, but I don't want to scare him off. Should I call and tell him, or should I play hard to get?

A. Possibly neither. First of all, playing games is never a good idea. A girl who is real is much more attractive than a girl who wants to play mind games. After all, if you play games to make guys like you, then when do you stop playing? If you play hard-to-get to win a guy, then you may feel the need to maintain that teasing behavior to keep him interested. A mature relationship needs to develop without having to rely on games.

If you need to pretend to be someone you are not in order to win another's heart, then what will happen in the long run? The entire relationship will be built on deception. This is the opposite of love, which "rejoices in the truth" (1 Cor. 13:6). Love is patient, and it trusts that God knows what he is about. There is no need to take the situation into your own hands so that you can make things happen at your own pace. God's pace is much better.

But calling him up and telling him openly how you feel may not be a good idea either--unless the two of you already have a strong personal friendship. To begin with, there should be a season of friendship before you rush into a romantic relationship. Failing to cultivate this could be harmful in the long run, since these things need time to build. Imagine a girl building a dollhouse. She is in such a rush to play with the finished product that she glues the house together in thirty minutes, and moves all the furniture in. She ignores the directions to wait a day for the glue to dry before even touching the house. Naturally, it collapses. Similarly, you must establish a foundation and give the friendship time to develop.

Without this foundation of friendship, revealing your feelings for him too soon could hinder mutual feelings from developing in his heart. When those feeling do take root in him, they will show in due time. Until then, work on building a graced friendship. If he does reciprocate, then you will again be called to be patient. A lot of people become "more than friends" without spending much time being friends--which often ends up meaning they are really less than friends.

Q&A came from

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