In the business world investments that have low risk has low return. While high risk investments have higher potential returns.
“If you don't take risks for God, you won't give anything worthwhile” said St Louis de Montfort.
Risk will always be a part of life.
Most of us live a boring and mediocre life because we fail to take risks, especially for God. We do not want to do anything radical for God because we don’t want to risk our reputation and our wealth. We don’t want the risk of being called fools or religious fanatics. We don’t want the risk of being labeled as an outsider. We don’t risk sharing our wealth because we are afraid it won’t back. Because we want to be in the “in crowd”, we sacrifice the gift of greatness in us.
Unless we take a risk for God, our talents will never come out or grow, for our talents have been given to us for the sake of others. Our being increases in the measure that you give it away.
God is Love. The Father gives Himself totally to the Son, the Son totally gives himself to the Father, and the Holy Spirit is the love between the Father and the Son. God is for giving! If we want to have the fullness of life we must imitate God to whom we are made in image and likeness.
We have to give if we want to have a higher return in our life. The more we conform ourselves to God the more fully we will become ourselves.
We have to learn to take risk for God. We have to risk giving ourselves to others. We must be ready to be ridiculed for the sake of God and others. Risk your “coolness” and go help the unwanted and undesirable of society. Risk your time and go spend it with the poor.
So if you want a higher return in your life?
Risk it and give it away!
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