Most of us have a desire to do lots of good works but our fear of failure cripple us. God sometimes inspires us to some work of charity or evangelization but our fright of failing extinguish the flame that God has placed in your hearts. Our dread for disappointment, being misunderstood, being an outcast, rejection and lack of results are typical fears that go in our minds when we want to do God’s work.
One way of overcoming fear is love. “Perfect love casts out fear” says in 1 John 4:18.
I believe if we love God and others more than ourselves, we will overcome our fears. Our fear of being disappointed or hurt will take a back seat and we will be driven by love. The fear is still there but love overpowers it.
If we really love someone we must be willing to make risks and sacrifices for the good of our beloved. Now his/her joy weighs more than the risk of us being hurt or disappointed. So we take the risk in faith for the sake of love.
Let me share a personal experience of taking a risk for love’s sake. Last October, my uncle suggested we once again do a Christmas gift giving like we did the previous year. In 2007 we only gave 36 bags of groceries to poor families. Each grocery bags then only contained around P150 worth of goods. Now here was the challenging part, my uncle suggested now to give to at least 100 families or 100 gift bags. We agreed that the content of the bags should at least be around P200 worth of goods.
After we have agreed to do it, I suddenly realized that I needed to raise at least P22,000 for the gift bags and transportation. I was suddenly stuck by fear that only a handful would give. And worst case scenario I must use my whole 13th month pay for this project. But I reminded myself that it was Christmas and I wanted to offer something for God. I also wanted to extend God’s blessing to the poor during this season.
I wanted the poor to experience that God has not abandoned them and that His providence still finds them.
So I did my best not to be crippled by fear and start the project. I overcame my fear of rejection and asked my friends if they want to donate for this project. At the end I, my uncle and Ate Nilda was able to raise around P60,000. About 75% of those whom I asked for donation gave.
Our gift giving project, by God’s grace, was successful. We did not only give 126 gifts bags but also had games for the children. We had some kind of a little fiesta there in the chapel ground. Somehow in the little time and gifts we gave, we where able to bring joy to the poor small isolated village up in the mountain.
If I let my fear rule then, the project could have never been realized. I would have missed out doing something beautiful for God. I thank God for reminding me to put love first.
Every time I feel like a coward in doing God’s work, I ask myself which is more important, love or fear?
How about you what do you choose?
Love or Fear?
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