Trials, problems and suffering are much part of the reality of life. Denying and running away from them will not make them disappear. Instead of being bitter about them you can use it as a tool for personal growth.
You can use dirt to your advantage or disadvantage.
Pains and sufferings in life force us to grow or mature. If taken well it can lead us to wisdom and most of all compassion. Since you have suffered much, you can more easily understand and empathize with other people who are suffering themselves. It can also bring calmness and mental stability. When problems arise you can say to yourself, “I’ve been here before, and I survived.”
St Thomas Aquinas describes wisdom as the view from the hill top. We can raise our hilltops with whatever life gives or throws at us. The good, bad and even the most painful experiences can be an opportunity for us to grow in wisdom.
With much dirt under you feet, you have a better view in life.
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