You must be thinking what kinda crazy party is this? You have been to crazy parties but this one goes off the roof. You might be thinking if you have got yourself in a mental hospital or entered the “twilight zone.”
Now listen to Jesus’ parable of the coin. "Or what woman having ten coins 2 and losing one would not light a lamp and sweep the house, searching carefully until she finds it? And when she does find it, she calls together her friends and neighbors and says to them, 'Rejoice with me because I have found the coin that I lost.' In just the same way, I tell you, there will be rejoicing among the angels of God over one sinner who repents."
Now let us examine the parable. A lousy coin was lost, and then the woman tired herself looking for it. Stop! Would you clean the whole of your house for a coin? Hm-mm. Now it gets stranger. After finding the coin the woman, she called her peeps to party! Again, Stop! Have you ever thought how much the woman is going to spend to get the party going? More than the coins worth I am sure!
What a crazy story you might say. Well… it is.
That parable shows how God loves you! There no one insignificant to God. You are not insignificant to Him. And He loves you infinitely more than you deserve. God does not calculate your worth. You might say that His love for you is impractical or even irrational. He will go out of His way to find you. And He did!
Jesus went out of His way when he decided to leave heaven and become a man to find you. He went further went out of His way when He took on Himself your sins and suffered unimaginable pain to blot them all away. How unpractical of God!
God loves you more than your worth, more than you can imagine. All you need is to look at the Crucifix to see God’s impractical, irrational and even crazy love for you.
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