But do not lose hope. Although we don’t speak much, guys are simple creatures. If we like a girl, we’ll make the effort to spend time with her. It’s that simple.
If he barely knows you, then it’s understandable for him to be more distant. But if a guy is already your friend, and he’s not making any special effort to call you, text message you, or spend time in your zip code, then don’t make excuses for “why he’s just not ready for a relationship.” Also, don’t pursue him. Teen girl magazines recommend this approach, but such advice is worthless. Do you really want a guy who doesn’t think you’re worth chasing? It would be like a princess hopping out of the castle and slaying the dragon because she’s afraid her knight in shining armor is too scared to do it himself. If that’s the case, she’s better off locked up in the tower.
If you don’t know what he’s thinking, and you want to give him the opportunity to make the move towards a relationship, open the door to a friendship. If you want love to last, lasting friendship is the best foundation you can give it. After time, it should be clear if both of you desire the clear commitment of a relationship. There’s no need to rush into it. During this time, think about whether or not you’re even ready to be in a relationship that could lead to marriage. If you’re not, then you have one more reason not to worry about what he’s thinking.
Lastly, keep your friendship with him pure. Many young women hook up with guys in a vain effort to win their commitment. But the only reason a guy would commit to such a girl is if he wanted more consistent hook ups. Obviously, the longing for true love that God has planted within your heart will never be fulfilled by becoming some guy’s hook up buddy. Set your standards high, and be at peace that God always saves his best for those who leave the decision up to him.
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