Monday, December 10, 2007

The Spirit of Christmas

I’m 29 years old right now, and I can honestly say that I still have not understood and experienced the real meaning of all the spirit of Christmas, the spirit of Joy! The last time I could remember having a merry Christmas was when I was about 11 years old. For a long time now, Christmas was just “those” holidays that went in and out. But this year I am hoping that I will experience CHRISTmas! I think I missed out the spirit of Christmas because I missed out the Person of Christmas, CHRIST! I had a very worldly view Christmas all of those years, maybe that is why I never enjoyed it. I was more focus on GETTING than GIVING. I totally missed it! CHRISTMAS is about GIVING! “God so loved the world that he gave us His only Son” God so loves us he gave Himself to us by becoming one of us. When God became man “he emptied himself” for our sake! When you come to think of it, God did not get anything out when he became man. His incarnation was totally unselfish. I think that is what the spirit of Christmas is, that total self-giving of one self for the sake of the other. When we realize that Christmas is not about us but about Jesus and it’s not about what we can get from others but what we can give to them, I believe we will experience the spirit of Christmas – the Spirit of Jesus himself. So this Christmas I invite you to totally forget yourself, and enJOY giving yourself to others!

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