Wednesday, October 29, 2008

How to be Happy? Forgive!

Revenge may be sweet but the vengeful is bitter.

Many people ruin their health and their lives by taking the poison of bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness. Matthew 18:23-35 tells us that if we do not forgive people, we get turned over to the torturers. If you have a problem in this area or have ever had one, I’m sure you bear witness with what I’m saying. It’s torture to have hateful thoughts toward another person rolling around inside your head. - Joyce Meyer

Unforgiveness is a hindrance to attaining joy in your life. Instead of focusing your attention in living life to the full, you are stuck on thinking how to get even. You spend most of your time in your mental movie house where scenes of past offences are played and replayed like a broken record. On the other side, your offender has moved forward in life. Again, you are the loser.

Unforgiving people are always stuck in the past. They still brood over offences that happened a decade ago. In effect, they fail to live in the present. They also fail to see the opportunity for joy in front of them because their heads are turned backwards. They end up being miserable most of the time. Trapped in the past and not enjoying the present.

Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

People who forgive are much happier persons. They try their best to forgive and not keep bitterness in their hearts. They continually move forward in life. Since their heads and eyes are looking forward, they are able to focus more on being happy. They do not spend their time brooding over the past, but living in the present and making their future a more joy-filled place.

Their hearts are unburdened, free and most of all happy.

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