Saturday, October 11, 2008

He’s Back!!! (A Ghost story)

What will you do if the friend you betrayed just came back from the dead?

Every time we hear of a ghost story, typically the ghost is back to get revenge to the people who have caused him harm.

Just imagine what the apostle would have felt when they heard Jesus was back! “He’s baaaaaaaack!!! They might have been really scared knowing they betrayed Jesus. Peter even denied knowing him during crunch time. What fear must have overwhelmed them when Jesus suddenly appeared from them?

But Jesus' first words was “Shalom” or “Peace”.

The apostles must have been surprised with those words! Jesus was not out to “get ‘em’”. Then Jesus showed them His wounds to remind them of what they have done. But that is how God is with us. He doesn’t point fingers and say “You fool! Look what you have done to me!” Even though how much we betray and crucify Jesus with our infidelity and sinfulness, He still says to us “Peace! Do not be afraid!”

He has come for the very reason that we are sinners! Even though we have hurt God in so many ways, God continues to “haunt” us. He continually wants to bring His Peace in our lives! He wants to free us from our slavery to sin, which is the cause of all our anxiety and pain. So no matter what you have done, do not be afraid of God.

Jesus has come back from the dead so that His peace may live in you.

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